🏛 Foundational Update v0.1.1b!

# Major release v0.1.1b! (The foundation update!)

This is a game breaking release! Many new features were added such as:

1. added Flexibility
2. Fixing of a lot of Bugs
3. Cleaner code
4. added Logger
5. Color files (utilities for color pallet and more)
6. improved BotInfo command
7. Improved UpTime command
9. Stabalized the bot
10. Added Github command that displays the github link of the bot

Most of these features you will not notice, because they are the foundation for later updates and features. Now the bot is also configurable with the token. That means now you can set the token to your own! Documentation for the same will be out soon. But for this post here is how you do it 😉

# Steps to configure the bot to your own:


Be sure to install Git (opens new window) on your machine!

Knowledge of intellij or other editors with knowledge of java and Gradle is required to configure the bot to your own.

  1. Open intellij idea and clone the repo using:
git clone https://github.com/DisBots-Studios-Inc/Melody-Bot.git
  1. Click on the "run configurations" button and then edit configurations

run configurations

  1. Now click on the run configuration (or make one, setting the main class to the Main class)

  2. Set an environment variable called TOKEN= and put your token there!

env var

# How do I get my bot token 🤔?

  1. First go to this website. (opens new window) and log into your discord account.
  2. Next make a new application, name it.
  3. Fill out the details of your bot and give it an image(optional)
  4. Go to the "Bot" tab and create a bot and give it an image(optional).
  5. click on the "Copy Token" button, and you have your token!

Copy Token


A bot token is like a password! Never upload it or share it with anyone! Or else someone could log in with your bot and use it for malicious purposes.

The next few updates are going be minor ones but are going to lay the foundation for the new releases! You can see the original release for this update on github (opens new window) and the original original pull request here. (opens new window)

Thanks for reading and we will be back soon with 0.3.0b!

🤏 Minor Version v0.2.0b

🤏 Minor Version v0.2.0b